Table of Contents
Accessing Higher Ground focuses on the implementation and benefits of:
- Accessible media, Universal Design and Assistive Technology in the university, business and public setting;
- Legal and policy issues, including ADA and 508 compliance;
- The creation of accessible media and information resources, including Web pages and library resources.
For institutions of Higher Education:
- there is a strong focus on campus accommodation and policies, alternate format production, Universal Design and curriculum accessibility.
For businesses and other audiences:
- there are numerous sessions on best practices for web design, reaching untapped audiences through accessible design, and compliance with existing and anticipated Section 508 and ADA stipulations.
Typical Program
View last year’s program (in calendar format) or the list of sessions to see the scope of topics typically covered at AHG
Watch Videos from 2015 — 2023
- 2023 Keynote Talk: Once Upon An Accommodation
Nina G., Comedian, Author, and Professional Speaker
- 2022 Keynote Talk: Envisioning Disabled Audiences
Elsa Sjunneson, Deaf/Blind Author and Editor
- 2021 Keynote Talk: Roots in Resistance: A Social History of Captioning
Dr. Jaipreet Virdi, Assistant Professor at the Department of History at the University of Delaware, historian of medicine, technology, and disability
- Website Liability Legal Update (Including Winn-Dixie)
Ken Nakata, Converge Accessibility, LLC
- Access versus Accessibility: “What are the Choices?”
Karen McCall, Senior Advisor, Accessible Document Design, Open Access Technologies
- WAI Curricula on Web Accessibility
(ASL version
), Daniel Montalvo, Accessibility Education and Training Specialist, W3C
- Watch the 2020 Keynote Talk: Disabled People Drive Innovation
Haben Girma, Disability Rights Lawyer, Author, Speaker
- … Creating accessible OER and other materials by leveraging advanced features of Word and WordToEPUB
Richard Orme, DAISY Consortium
- … Access versus Accessibility: “What are the Choices?”
Karen McCall, Senior Advisor, Accessible Document Design, Open Access Technologies
- … WAI Curricula on Web Accessibility
(ASL version
), Daniel Montalvo, Accessibility Education and Training Specialist, W3C
- Watch the 2019 keynote talk
(more info about 2019 keynote)
- Watch the session Accessibility and Universal Design for Online Courses – making the practice practicable, and a bit less scary
- Watch the session Monitoring Your Organization’s Accessibility Effort
- Watch any session from the UDUC virtual mini-conference on Friday, (Select the media button on any session labeled as “UDUC”)
- Watch the 2019 keynote talk
(more info about 2019 keynote)
- Watch the full-day workshop Teaching about Accessibility in Computing and IT Courses – part 1 (of 2)
, part 2
- Watch any session from the UDUC mini-conference on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (Select the media button on any session labeled as “UDUC”)
- Watch the 2017 keynote talk
- Teach Access Faculty Bootcamp at AHG 2017
( more info about Teach Access workshop)
- Watch the NVDA pre-conference workshop
(more info about NVDA workshop)
- Watch any session from the UDUC mini-conference (Select the title link and then the "videos" button to view videos)
- Watch any session from 2015
- individuals who need to design or provide accessible Web, media, information resources and technology in the academic and business environment;
- faculty and administrators interested in ADA & Section 508 compliance;
- faculty and other professional interested in incorporating Universal Design content or UDL into curriculum;
- faculty and other professionals who wish to ensure that their curriculum is accessible.
- web designers & project managers
- assistive technologists
- ADA coordinators
- human resource personnel
- persons with disabilities
- disability specialists
- faculty
- course designers
- media specialists and programmers
- IT and communication managers
Pictures from past conferences 
(Note: this link will take you to our facebook page)
Who Should Attend
This conference is intended for:
In the past, audiences have included:
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Contact Us
Question about the program or registration? Contact Howard Kramer via email or at 720-351-8668.