Alternative Text Showdown


Presented at 9:15am in Mattie Silks on Thursday, November 17, 2022.



  • Christine Foushi, Digital Operations Manager, Content Industries

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format: Interactive/Discussion
  • Expertise Level: All Levels
  • Type of session: General Conference


Attendees will sign up to participate in this alternative text writing competition. We will provide a set of images and each team will work together to create textual alternatives for those images. A panel of accessibility professionals will determine which team produced the “best” Alt Text and will win a prize.


Get ready for some hands on learning!

Logictran is offering participants a chance to put their Alternative Text writing skills to the test by going head-to-head. Attendees will be invited to participate in a friendly competition. Teams will work together to create Textual Alternatives for selection of images provided by our judges. Judges will use the submitted materials to talk about best practices when creating these materials. The team who the judges feel created the “best” Alt Text will win a prize. Do you think your team has what it takes to take home the prize?


  1. Writing good Alt Text / Textual Alternatives without Context is hard!
  2. There can be more than one right “answer” for alt text.
  3. The best way to improve your Alt Text skills is to practice.

Disability Areas

Cognitive/Learning, Vision

Topic Areas

Accessible Educational Materials, Assistive Technology, Uncategorized

Speaker Bio(s)

Christine Foushi

Christine Foushi is Digital Operations Manager for Content Industries. Returning to AHG for the third year, she's excited to continue connecting and learning about the world of education and accessibility. A self-proclaimed publishing nerd, Christine is a journalist by trade, has worked within the higher education technology and publishing industry for the last 20 years. Ensuring accessibility and inclusion for all is her passion not only in her career, but within her community and personal life.


AT by Academic Task (Word)