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2023 Keynote Talk

Keynote Speaker: Nina G

Tuesday, November 7, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Once Upon An Accommodation

Location: Colorado A-F

Nina G is a comedian, author, and professional speaker who stutters and has dyslexia.  For over 20 years, she has also worked in the field of disability services in higher education.  Nina will talk about her Disability experience spanning generations in her family and the impact of influential individuals, including her parents, teachers, and even those who doubted her abilities.  Nina will also talk about how assistive technologies and self-advocacy skills were essential in her college education, which spanned community college to her doctorate.  Nina’s humor helps to tell her story and help others explore the disability experience from a new perspective.

photo of Nina, description below

A woman with medium-length brown-black hair with large waves in the back part of her hair. She is not wearing eyeglasses as well as other jewelry. Her attire consisted of an orange cardigan knit shirt inside a black skirt. She is smiling and holding a microphone and looking out into the audience.

Nina G’s Bio

Nina G is a comedian, professional speaker, comedy historical consultant, and author of Once Upon An Accommodation: A Book About Learning DisabilitiesStutterer Interrupted and Bay Area Stand-Up Comedy: A Humorous History. In May 2023, her album debuted at #1 in Comedy on iTunes and Amazon.

She has been featured in/on everything from NPR’s 51%, BBC’s Ouch, Psychology Today, Tedx, KQED radio and multiple daytime talk shows and podcasts.  She has shared the stage with legendary comedians like Don Novello (aka Father Guido Sarducci), Mort Sahl, Eddie Pepitone, Cathy Ladman, and Disability activists like Judy Heumann and Jim Lebrect.  Nina is a favorite speaker and performer for many colleges and corporations.  She tours solo as part of the comedy troupe The Comedians with Disabilities Act which brings an intersectional perspective of the Disability experience.