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Choosing an Accessible UI Framework

Proposal No: 2632

Bios & Handouts


  • Gerard Cohen, Lead Accessibility Strategist, Atlassian

Disability Area:          

Topic Area:                  

Length of Session (in hours): 1-hrFormat: Lecture Expertise Level: Intermediate Type of session: Not provided

Summary of Session

Starting a new project and selecting from the latest UI frameworks is a challenging experience. How do you know the one you choose is accessible?


In the session we will be evaluating just a few of the most popular frameworks, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Foundation, jQuery Mobile, and do an apples to apples comparison of some common elements, widgets, and patterns by reviewing real code examples and documentation.

We will take a look at how each framework handles form input, tabs, and dialog widgets. Are the proper, semantic tags used? Do form inputs have accessible labels? Is error validation properly handled? Are the proper ARIA roles, properties, and states being used? Is the keyboard interaction as expected? How is focus management? We will then discuss what is needed in order to make everything progressively accessible. From form labels to modifying templates, adding keyboard interaction, and adding proper roles, properties, and states.

Hopefully, attendees will get exposure to various frameworks, implemented accessibility provided, basic testing techniques, proper ARIA patterns, and easy remediation techniques.


  1. Learn how to evaluate popular frameworks based on some basic accessibility criteria
  2. Learn how to use commonly available accessibility tools
  3. Learn how to fix some basic accessibility issues

Speaker Bio(s)

Gerard Cohen

Over the past decade, Gerard has built and advised top-notch digital accessibility teams that have impacted millions of individuals worldwide. His experience ranges from supporting commercial financial applications responsible for transferring trillions of dollars globally, to enhancing accessibility on pre-Elon Twitter. Currently, Gerard drives the Atlassian Design System Accessibility Team where he collaborates with a group of exceptional designers and engineers to help enhance the accessibility of components used to build team productivity tools like Jira, Confluence, and Trello. Gerard is recognized as a catalyst for change, igniting cultural transformation at both grassroots and executive levels. He possesses an understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of digital accessibility and effectively bridges gaps between HR, Legal, Marketing, Product, Design, Engineering and Quality Assurance teams. He has a remarkable history of advocating for individuals with disabilities and promoting diversity and fairness in the workplace. Moreover, he is highly regarded for his expertise, as evidenced by his frequent speaking engagements at conferences nationwide and the widespread recognition of his courses on the Pluralsight learning platform as essential training for organizations worldwide.


Choosing an Accessible UI Framework - Gerard K Cohen - AHG2015