Web Accessibility Framework: a Foundation for Success

Presented at 2:15pm in Independence on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.



  • Jay Pope, Web Accessibility Specialist, Pope Tech
  • Jay Pope, Web Accessibility Specialist, Pope Tech

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format: Lecture
  • Expertise Level: Beginner
  • Type of session: General Conference


Having a solid framework for web accessibility can help Higher Education Institutions achieve and maintain their web accessibility requirements and goals. We present a web accessibility framework that guides institutions' web accessibility efforts. The key components of this framework that we will cover focus on Identifying, Preventing, Detecting, Responding, and Remediating as it applies to web accessibility.


Higher Education Institutions often grapple with questions such as:

What is the scope of all of our web content? How do we prevent accessibility issues by making sure future content is accessible? How accessible is existing content? How do we prioritize and assign discovered accessibility issues? How do we fix existing issues?

These issues are compounded by the extensive portfolio of websites and multiple teams of creators for those websites.

The challenges higher education institutions face with web accessibility underscore the importance of an organizational web accessibility framework to guide institutional efforts.

Having a solid framework for web accessibility can help Higher Education Institutions achieve and maintain their web accessibility requirements and goals. We present a web accessibility framework we developed based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) security framework that guides intuitions accessibility efforts.

The key components of this framework that we will cover focus on Identifying, Preventing, Detecting, Responding, and Remediating as it applies to web accessibility.

We will review these components and provide practical suggestions for how higher education institutions can implement them.


  1. Having a solid framework for web accessibility helps achieve and maintain web accessibility.
  2. Key components of this framework are: Identify, Prevent, Detect, Respond, and Remediate.
  3. Practical suggestions to implement an accessibility framework will be presented.

Disability Areas

All Areas

Topic Areas

Administrative/Campus Policy, Uncategorized

Speaker Bio(s)

Jay Pope

Jay Pope is a web accessibility specialist. His mission is to help organizations improve web accessibility. Prior to working at Pope Tech, Jay was a front-end developer and web team lead at Utah State University.

Jay Pope

Jay Pope is a web accessibility specialist. His mission is to help organizations improve web accessibility. Prior to working at Pope Tech, Jay was a front-end developer and web team lead at Utah State University.