Presented at 9:00 am in Matchless on Friday, November 15, 2024.
- Zak Kinsey, Vice President, TargetStream Technologies
Session Details
- Length of Session: 1-hr
- Format: Lecture
- Expertise Level: Beginner
- Type of session: General Conference
Two of the PDF Association Liaison Working Groups have some new exciting updates. Newly published atomic PDF/UA example files for fundamental best practices for marking PDF/UA documents from the Accessibility LWG, and the development of the PDF-AAM(Accessibility API Mapping) in conjunction with the W3C through the PDF/UA Processor LWG. Come learn about all of the new resources the PDF Association is providing to the industry to aid remediators and developers alike!
The presentation will begin with showing where and how to access the new atomic example files created by the PDF Association Accessibility LWG as well as their intended uses. Aimed at the core accessibility content types in PDF/UA these examples will provide clear pass and fail cases demonstrating within the files themselves both correct and incorrect marking techniques for remediators and developers alike to use in creating accessible content and/or software.
The first released tranche of files are classified as the PDF/UA Fundamental Techniques. This LWG is still actively working on producing more files and this is just the initial tranche: ranging from proper marking of paragraphs, to lists, to figures and more.
The PDF Association Processor Liaison Working Group gave an update last year from its chairman Paul Raiyus, and I will provide an update on what has happened over the last 12 months.
The PDF/UA Processor LWG has become engaged with the W3C to create the PDF-AAM (API Accessibility Mapping). This AAM will be of great benefit to assistive technology(AT) developers and their development of software to consume PDF/UA accessible documents. The LWG is also moving towards creating the matrix of current AT behavior utilizing the created PDF-AAM. In conjunction with the Accessibility LWG's created atomic example files, this group will be consuming those examples testing current AT and reporting the results.
These LWGs are open to all to join without PDF Association membership, so come see what work we're doing and come join our meetings and help provide the industry with even more and better examples!
- Present the published atomic example files for PDF/UA Accessibility Fundamentals
- More atomic examples in active development. Come provide your input on what you would like to see created!
- PDF API Accessibility Mapping in development with the W3C.
Disability Areas
All Areas
Topic Areas
Alternate Format, Assistive Technology, Other, Uncategorized, Web/Media/App Access
Speaker Bio(s)
Zak Kinsey
Expert in Enterprise statement remediation for digital accessible output.