Presented at 11:15 am in Colorado F on Wednesday, November 13, 2024.
- Megan Cox, Caption Program Coordinator, Utah State University
Session Details
- Length of Session: 1-hr
- Format: Lecture
- Expertise Level: Beginner
- Type of session: General Conference
In this session, you will learn how Utah State University has created a university-wide system to caption over 85% of their public video content on YouTube. You will also learn some of the tools they use to maintain and improve their efforts.
Are you trying to caption your public video content? Do you have several content creators posting videos? Are you not sure where to even start? In this session, we will discuss Utah State University’s (USU) caption story to give you ideas of how to begin your own caption journey. You will learn how USU created a university-wide caption system and has been able to professionally caption over 85% of videos across more than 80 campus YouTube channels. Some topics we will discuss are how we identified our public video content on YouTube, how we shared reports of video content in need of captions with campus content creators, how we established and implemented a Video and Audio Accessibility Standard, and how we continue to audit and caption our YouTube channels. We are excited to share how a combination of awareness, policy, technology, and relationship-building have created a sustainable captioning system to make our video content more inclusive and accessible.
- Work with partners to create your own system-wide captioning process through policy and standards.
- Use tools to help you audit and caption your video content in a timely manner.
- Build relationships across your organization to share video content in need of captions.
Disability Areas
Cognitive/Learning, Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Topic Areas
Accessible Course Design, Captioning/Transcription, Uncategorized
Speaker Bio(s)
Megan Cox
Megan Cox was hired as Utah State University’s (USU) first ever Caption Program Coordinator in December 2022. She has overseen USU’s efforts to professionally caption over 85% of videos across over 80 different university YouTube channels (with a goal to get to 100%). She loves to find ways to make caption processes more efficient and to see progress made. She has also been involved in creating training resources, helping oversee web accessibility efforts, and collaborating on the development of tools to increase accessibility across campus.