11 Ways to Increase Technology Usage on Campus cancelled

Presented at 8:00am in WB IV on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.



  • Kay Tepera, Southwest Territory Sales Director, Texthelp

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format:
  • Expertise Level: Not provided
  • Type of session: General Conference


After spending time finding the right technology solutions for your campus, don't let that effort go to waste by not implementing and promoting the new software to students. Come hear some tips we've collected from universities across the country who have had success getting students to use newly adopted software.


Too often in the EdTech world we spend the majority of our time finding the right technology, getting funding approved, installing, etc., but much less time promoting technology to ensure that it is actually being used by students and staff. This “getting the word out” is especially difficult in the university setting, where students are more independent and scattered about on and off campus. In addition, much of the technology available for students is not a requirement but an optional support for those who know where and how to access it.

To help, we’ve collected some tips from universities across the country who have had success getting students to use newly adopted software. Not only can this help to justify the cost of technology purchases, but also to increase the retention and achievement of the students who use those purchases.


  1. Helpful ideas for learning ways to 'get the word out' about new initiatives on campus
  2. Thinking outside of the office we work in to get the job done
  3. Effective communication strategies

Disability Areas

Topic Areas

Administrative/Campus Policy, Assistive Technology

Speaker Bio(s)

Kay Tepera

Formerly a high school technology teacher, Kay has since served at the Arkansas Department of Education in the Research and Technology Division and at the district level as technology coordinator. For the past 5 years, Kay has been providing software solutions to colleges and universities across 5 states. Kay’s passion is bringing technology solutions into the hands of teachers and students that support student learning. Currently she works for TextHelp, a progressively forward technology company providing solutions to individuals of all ages for reading, writing, research, and study skills.