How to Express the Accessibility Opportunity to your Executives (full-talk)


Presented at 11:15am in Virtual B on Tuesday, November 17, 2020.



Session Details

  • Length of Session: 45 minutes
  • Format: Interactive/Discussion
  • Expertise Level: Intermediate
  • Type of session: Pre-conference


We are all passionate and knowledgeable about Accessibility - otherwise we wouldn't be at AHG! But how to convince others? This session draws on research from leading consulting firms and major US corporations who changed strategy to prioritize Accessibility. We will share how the opportunity was positioned, and what matters most to decision makers


We will start with research from a leading global consulting firm about the economic metrics that will resonate with executives where you work. Then we focus on taking the perspective of your decision makers. How do they make decisions? How are opportunities presented to them? How can we demystify the accessibility and disability inclusion space for them if they haven't discussed it before in the context of business strategy? For many leaders accessibility is just an obligation to be satisfied with as little disruption as possible. Let's change that! This session is focused on reframing accessibility as an OPPORTUNITY to make all interactions more effortless for all customers, to differentiate you from your competitors, and to drive inclusion and belonging in your organization. The session will be highly interactive with discussion about different tactics and what combination are most likely to be effective where you work.


  1. Reframing accessibility from an obligation to an OPPORTUNITY can change the way decision makers view our work.
  2. Corporate America is prioritizing accessibility more than ever before. What works for htem might work for you.
  3. Getting into the heads of executive decision makers can help us position accessibility more effectively.

Disability Areas

Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Mobility, Vision

Topic Areas

Other, Uncategorized

Speaker Bio(s)