Commonly Seen Accessibility Errors Files

Handouts Media

Presented at 8:00am in Meadowbrook I/II on Thursday, November 21, 2019.



  • Becky Gibson, Lead Accessibility Specialist, UKG

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format: Lecture
  • Expertise Level: Beginner
  • Type of session: General Conference


Think you know how to create null alt text, add labels using ARIA, or craft good link text? Unfortunately, some of these accessibility requirements are still not properly used. This presentation will review common accessibility errors surrounding alt text, form labels, link text, structure, and more which I continue to encounter on websites.


When I first started in the accessibility field I quickly tired of presentations that reminded me to use alt text, add labels to form fields, and to use semantic HTML. Since they are so basic, I vowed that I would not repeat these topics in my presentations on accessibility. I now realize that while they are obvious to me as someone in the accessibility field, these techniques still need repeating and clarification.

This presentation will review common accessibility errors surrounding alt text, form labels, link text, structure, and more which are still common on websites. Come learn ways to properly add null or empty alt text. See how you can use ARIA to enhance your link text and why you probably shouldn't. We will look at real-world examples of common errors and review the proper implementations.


  1. review common accessibility errors
  2. provide valid HTML accessibility techniques
  3. demonstrate the impact of accessibility errors on people with disabilities

Disability Areas

All Areas

Topic Areas

Assistive Technology, Uncategorized, Web/Media/App Access

Speaker Bio(s)

Becky Gibson

Becky Gibson is a recognized expert in the field of digital inclusion and enabling accessible solutions. Her extensive career as a Software Engineer and Accessibility Architect at IBM impacted products, customer strategy, and industry standards. She is passionate about making Web and mobile applications usable for people of all abilities.

She participated in the creation of W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG) and helped to develop and demonstrate the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) specification. In her spare time Becky enjoys, traveling, paddle boarding, kayaking, reading, and playing with her cat, Circe.


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