Understanding and Evaluating WCAG 2 Color and Contrast

Handouts Media

Presented at 9:00am in Standley I Lab on Tuesday, November 13, 2018.



  • Jonathan Whiting, Director of Training, WebAIM

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 3-hr
  • Format: Lab
  • Expertise Level: Beginner
  • Type of session: Pre-conference


This workshop will begin with a thorough review of WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 requirements, and important principles not included in WCAG. We will then practice evaluating electronic documents and webpages for contrast using several free tools and resources.


One of the most commonly discussed areas within the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2 are its contrast requirements. Unfortunately, there is a great deal of fine print and complexity within these requirements that can often make it a confusing topic for web content creators and web accessibility evaluators. This session will outline WCAG 2.0 contrast requirements for text and large text, and WCAG 2.1 contrast for icons and images. We will then practice evaluating contrast issues using several common tools including the Colour Contrast Analyser, WAVE, Colorzilla, and the Chrome Developer Tools.


  1. WCAG 2.0 color and contrast requirements
  2. New WCAG 2.1 contrast requirements for icons and images
  3. Evaluating contrast in documents and web pages

Disability Areas


Topic Areas

Uncategorized, Web/Media/App Access

Speaker Bio(s)

Jonathan Whiting

Jonathan is the director of training at WebAIM. His main passion is helping others learn to make the web more accessible to people with disabilities. With a master's degree in Instructional Technology and 20 years of experience in the field of web accessibility, Jonathan has published dozens of articles, tutorials, and other instructional resources. He has traveled extensively to train thousands of web developers and other professionals who develop or maintain web content.


Resources listed in PDF can also be found at https://webaim.org/presentations/2018/ahg/