Presented at 9:15am in WB IV on Thursday, November 17, 2016.
- John Foliot, Principal Accessibility Strategist, Deque Systems
Session Details
- Length of Session: 1-hr
- Format:
- Expertise Level: Intermediate
- Type of session: General Conference
In this presentation, Deque’s John Foliot will outline an A to Z approach to sustainable institutional accessibility, providing a roadmap for academic institutions of all sizes.
In this presentation, Deque’s John Foliot will outline an A to Z approach to sustainable institutional accessibility, providing a roadmap for academic institutions of all sizes. He’ll demonstrate how to make accessibility a part of your organization’s culture, examining the role that everyone in your organization plays in achieving and maintaining accessible digital materials. From leadership and vision, to to short and long-term planning, he will walk you through the steps you should take on the Road To Sustainable Accessibility.
- Strategic vision and planning
- Roles-based approach
- Short and long-term goals and milestones
Disability Areas
Topic Areas
Administrative/Campus Policy, Legal, Web/Media/App Access
Speaker Bio(s)
John Foliot
John is the Principal Accessibility Strategist at Deque Systems and an internationally recognized Web Accessibility Specialist and champion for the cause of web standards and universal accessibility. He has provided digital accessibility consultation services to government agencies, educational institutions and private sector companies since 1999, both as an independant contractor, as well as stints at Stanford University and JP Morgan Chase bank, prior to joining Deque in 2015. John is an active and contributing participant in multiple W3C Working Groups including the Accessibility Guidelines WG (formally the WCAG WG), the ARIA WG, Accessible Platform Architecture (APA) WG, the Web Platform WG (formally the HTML5 WG), as well as the W3C Television on the Web Interest Group.