Teaching You to Teach Others about STEM Accessibility


Presented at 9:00am in Westminster I on Tuesday, November 15, 2016.



  • Krista Greear Wright, Senior Accessibility Strategist, Anthology

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 3-hr
  • Format:
  • Expertise Level: Intermediate
  • Type of session: Pre-conference


Give conference attendees a high level view of the main issues in PRINT STEM accessibility and be able to retain information and communicate that to their organization


Krista will teach you how to start or deepen the conversation about print STEM accessibility on your campus. The following sample questions are the core of this "create the teacher then teach them how to teach others" approach: What types of disabilities need accessible STEM content? What does an accessible STEM document look like? Where is STEM content found? What are the top 5 vocab words I need to know in order to TALK about STEM accessibility? What are the big no-nos of STEM accessibility? What are low hanging fruits on your campus? What about high hanging fruits? This presentation will pull from the experience of audience members about how to get or maintain momentum on your campus regarding print STEM accessibility. Some anticipated "tangilibes" are generate a list of questions to gather the necessary info when working with instructors to provide accessible STEM content • have folks practice explaining STEM accessibility within two minutes or less • share good examples of


  1. Be able to explain what STEM accessibility is to their campus.
  2. Understand the top five terms to discuss basic print accessibility for STEM content
  3. Brainstorm with group low-hanging fruit and higher-hanging fruit for STEM accessibility on your individual campu

Disability Areas

Cognitive/Learning, Mobility, Vision

Topic Areas

Accessible Course Design, Alternate Format

Speaker Bio(s)

Krista Greear Wright

An enthusiastic, data-driven individual, Krista is passionate about inclusivity. With over 12 years of experience in higher education accessibility, Krista’s focus is to accelerate the educational landscape regarding digital content. Her expertise is in document and video accessibility, although is interested in web and application accessibility as well.

Leveraging her Master of Education in Educational Technology, Krista is interested in the intersection of accessibility, inclusion, and instructional design. She is excited about improving the educational experience for all students by working with administrators, faculty, and students to make changes at a system level.


teaching-you-to-teach-others-about-print-stem-accessibility-krista-greear-ahg-2016 Accessible K's Accessible STEM Content webpage