Leveraging Ally and Power BI for Transparent Accessibility Reporting

Presented at 1:45 pm in Matchless on Thursday, January 1, 2024.



  • Natalie Cole, Learning Technology Equity and Access administrator, Colorado Mountain College
  • Lucas TenHarmsel, Learning and System Administrator, Colorado Mountain College

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format: Lecture
  • Expertise Level: Beginner
  • Type of session: General Conference


Colorado Mountain College developed a comprehensive accessibility compliance report using Anthology's Ally and Power BI to make college-wide course accessibility data visible and actionable. The visually appealing Power BI report clarifies accessibility compliance for various stakeholders ensuring they can understand and act on the data effectively. We discuss impetus for creating the report, how to leverage the report through a case study, and potential limitations of this strategy.


In response to state legislation such as HB 21 1110, Colorado Mountain College (CMC) evaluated underutilized tools such as Anthology’s Ally, Canvas, and Power BI to develop a comprehensive accessibility compliance report. Calculating college-wide course accessibility has long been a challenge. However, by integrating Anthology Ally with Power BI, we have made this data visible and actionable. Our strategy for transparent accessibility compliance reporting: •Organizes overall accessibility efforts •Provides decision-makers with powerful insights •Enables targeted support for specific campuses or departments •Increases the efficiency and effectiveness of our interventions The Power BI report presents complex data in visually appealing formats, making accessibility compliance clear for college leaders, course designers, and instructors. In this session, participants will learn about: •The driving factors behind our reporting solution •A case study on leveraging the report to target accessibility support at the location, department, and course level. •A discussion on the limitations and potential biases of this report This report, created by two administrators without data science backgrounds, demonstrates that these tools can be effectively implemented at most institutions. While the focus is not on the process of creating a Power BI report, participants can expect to gain practical insights into why using an accessibility reporting tool can strengthen the accessibility supports at your institution.


  1. LMS accessibility reporting is vital for monitoring performance, improvement, and ensuring accountability
  2. CMC's Power BI report implementation enhanced visibility of course accessibility compliance.
  3. Consider report limitations and tailor reporting approach to meet specific institutional needs and goals.

Disability Areas

All Areas

Topic Areas

Accessible Course Design, Faculty Development & Support, Uncategorized

Speaker Bio(s)

Natalie Cole

Natalie Cole, M. Ed started as a K-12 special educator for Denver Public Schools. After four years as a Mild/Moderate teacher for kindergarten through 8th grade she moved to the Education Technology industry to work at Edmentum, teaching reading intervention and high school English. Natalie received a graduate certificate in Instructional Design from University of Colorado Denver before joining Colorado Mountain College as the Learning, Technology, Equity and Access Administrator. Applying her knowledge of Universal Design for Learning and digital accessibility she supports the college in upholding the strategic priorities of Equity, Care and Integrity across the Dual Mission blend of programs.

Lucas TenHarmsel

Lucas TenHarmsel, MBA Brings a unique blend of outdoor education experience and administrative expertise to the institution. His work, including implementing CMC’s first Learning Management Systems for employees and teaching business and outdoor education courses, directly supports CMC's mission of serving the community and fostering student success. His commitment to continuous improvement and his ability to analyze institutional needs from a "big picture" lens aligns with CMC's core values.