Knowbility’s Accessibility Master Class


Presented at 10:30am in Westminster III on Monday, November 18, 2019.



  • Becky Gibson, Lead Accessibility Specialist, UKG
  • Emily Lewis, Accessibility & Universal Design Specialist, Knowbility

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 5-6-hr
  • Format: Bring-your-own Device Workshop: Laptop and modern Web Browser for web site review and hands-on testing
  • Expertise Level: Beginner
  • Type of session: Pre-conference


The big picture overview for any stage of implementing an accessibility program across an organization. Starting with the institutional evaluation and providing tools and methodology for each stage, our team will take you through what you need to put in place a process to ensure that you reach and maintain your accessibility goals.


The big picture overview for any stage of implementing an accessibility program across an organization. Starting with the institutional evaluation and providing tools and methodology for each stage, our team will take you through what you need to put in place a process to ensure that you reach and maintain your accessibility goals. Depending on class size and composition, we may break into smaller groups to facilitate learning about the steps to accessibility including the practical aspects of how to:

* Engage stakeholders (all of them) * Recruit executive sponsor * Set explicit goals/standards * Define success * Adopt/create an explicit policy * Assess current status * Build and integrate teams Train across roles * Integrate support structures * Test, measure, report * Evaluate, repeat * Integrate inclusive design into the general process (sustain)


  1. Engage your organization in accessibility
  2. Develop and deploy accessibility
  3. Sustain accessibility over the long run

Disability Areas

All Areas

Topic Areas

Assistive Technology, Uncategorized, Web/Media/App Access

Speaker Bio(s)

Becky Gibson

Becky Gibson is a recognized expert in the field of digital inclusion and enabling accessible solutions. Her extensive career as a Software Engineer and Accessibility Architect at IBM impacted products, customer strategy, and industry standards. She is passionate about making Web and mobile applications usable for people of all abilities.

She participated in the creation of W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG) and helped to develop and demonstrate the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) specification. In her spare time Becky enjoys, traveling, paddle boarding, kayaking, reading, and playing with her cat, Circe.

Emily Lewis

Emily Lewis is a front-end developer with a passion for inclusive design. A standardista at heart, Emily specializes in accessibility, semantics and user experience. Formerly the owner of a web services agency, she’s also an expert in digital project management.

With more than 20 years working in the industry, Emily believes education and community are vital to making the web more diverse, inclusive and accessible. She co-hosted the renowned web podcast CTRL+CLICK CAST and served as Managing Editor for Web Standards Sherpa. She also wrote Microformats Made Simple and contributed to HTML5 Cookbook.

Currently, she advocates for digital accessibility through writing, public speaking and training.


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