Grackle Docs: One Click Accessibility for Google Docs


Presented at 11:15am in Meadowbrook I/II on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.



  • Paul Walker, Co-Founder, GrackleDocs
  • Jeff Mills, Co-Founder, GrackleDocs

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format:
  • Expertise Level: Not provided
  • Type of session: General Conference


GrackleDocs is the only Accessibility Checker for Google Docs! The Add-On for Google Docs helps users quickly and easily check and correct accessibility issues in their documents and then create fully tagged PDF/UA output.


Google Docs is well known for being a great document collaboration and generation platform. However, for some time many users have avoided using Google Docs for creating content that would need to be accessible or delivered in Accessible formats such as PDF. Google has made tremendous strides in the Accessibility of all of their products including Google Apps for Education. GrackleDocs has created the first and only Accessibility Checker for Google Docs. In addition to assisting users in checking and correcting any Accessibility issues in your documents, users can directly generate tagged PDF/UA output to facilitate sharing with others and publishing to websites. In our session we will demonstrate the power of Google Docs for collaboration and content creation and show how GrackleDocs can be used to quickly and easily check and correct accessibility issues in your Google Docs and demonstrate the quality of the PDF output created.


  1. Automatically check and correct Google Docs for Accessibility
  2. Generating properly tagged PDF/UA output directly from Google Docs even if you use Word!
  3. The Power of Google Docs for collaboration and document creation.

Disability Areas

Cognitive/Learning, Vision

Topic Areas

Accessible Course Design, Alternate Format, Assistive Technology

Speaker Bio(s)

Paul Walker

Paul Walker is one of the Co-Founder of GrackleDocs. He has a degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo and has over 20 years experience in software development. Formerly the VP of Engineering and Product Management at Xenos Group Inc. and Actuate, Paul spearheaded a number of initiatives including the first automated solution for creating high volume accessible statements.

Jeff Mills

Jeff Mills is one of the Co-Founders of GrackleDocs and has been in the document industry for over 25 years. He started his career writing code for billing systems before moving on to business management. In recent times Jeff has been helping corporate clients create accessible statements en masse throughout Europe and Asia.
