Creating a Digital Accessibility Hub

Handouts Media

Presented at 9:15am in Penrose 2 on Wednesday, November 8, 2023.



  • Kate DeForest, Web/Digital Content Coordinator, State University of New York at Oswego

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format: Interactive/Discussion
  • Expertise Level: All Levels
  • Type of session: General Conference


As we continue to spend much of our time in digital environments, it’s imperative to help campus personnel learn how to remove potential barriers of digital materials. A digital accessibility hub is an institutional website that can help address accessibility needs and shift the overall culture of the campus. We will discuss simple strategies to improve accessibility, explore tools and resources, and have an open discussion to share ideas of how to move the accessibility initiative forward.


Online and virtual learning remain an integral part of higher education. As we continue to spend much of our time in digital environments, understanding and practicing digital accessibility is more critical than ever.

But how do we provide campus personnel with the proper resources and tools to help them learn how to remove potential barriers of digital content?

One solution is creating a digital accessibility hub. An accessibility hub is an institutional website that serves as an all-encompassing source to help answer accessibility questions and direct people to the right place on campus to get the information they need. It’s a focal point for sharing information on how to address digital accessibility needs and ultimately shift the overall culture of the campus.

Of the 64 campuses in the State University of New York system, SUNY Oswego is one of the leaders for promoting and implementing digital accessibility. Kate DeForest, Web/Digital Content Coordinator for SUNY Oswego, will discuss steps her campus has taken to get to that position. She will outline simple strategies that can be followed by other campuses to help improve accessibility, and share what content, materials, and resources Oswego’s digital accessibility website provides. We will also have an open discussion to hear how other campuses are moving the digital accessibility initiative forward.


  1. An accessibility hub can provide information, answer questions, and address digital accessibility needs.
  2. There are some simple strategies and steps that can be implemented to help improve digital accessibility.
  3. We can all inspire and encourage others by sharing resources and stories from our own institutions.

Disability Areas

All Areas, Cognitive/Learning

Topic Areas

Administrative/Campus Policy, Faculty Development & Support, Uncategorized, Universal Design for Learning, Web/Media/App Access

Speaker Bio(s)

Kate DeForest

Kate DeForest is Web/Digital Content Coordinator for State University of New York at Oswego. She updates and maintains the university’s primary website and trains campus personnel on web and digital accessibility best practices. As a member and former chair of the Workgroup on Accessibility Practices, Kate has worked on a number of campus accessibility initiatives, including building Oswego’s Digital Accessibility website and launching multiple Campus Accessibility Challenges. Kate is a member of IAAP and a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC). She has given accessibility-related presentations at numerous local, state, national, and international conferences, including Accessing Higher Ground, HighEdWeb, AHEAD, and Higher Education Connect.
