Create accessible documents in Office 365: Word, PowerPoint, and Excel

Scheduled at 9:00am in Mattie Silks on Tuesday, November 12.



  • George Joeckel, Online Training Program Manager, Utah State University / WebAIM

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 5-6-hr
  • Format: Bring-your-own Device Workshop: Laptop computer with Office 365 (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel) installed.
  • Expertise Level: Beginner
  • Type of session: Pre-conference


Participants in this full-day workshop will review the fundamental principles of creating accessible documents in three applications: Word, PowerPoint, and Excel in Office 365. Participants will receive step-by-step demonstrations of processes, and practice those processes in guided activities. Participants will be enrolled in a video-based online course that expands on these principles and processes over the course of five modules. Each module is designed to be completed in 2 to 4 hours.


Since 2018 WebAIM has provided accessible document training to over 10,000 participants through f2f and virtual workshops, custom webinars, and video-based online courses. In this full-day workshop participants will receive an overview of principles for creating accessible electronic documents. Participants will be given step-by-step demonstrations for creating Office 365 documents with the visual formatting and structure needed to support all users––with an emphasis on those in the disability spectrum. Participants will practice all demonstrated processes through guided activities. Participants will also receive a complimentary enrollment for a video-based online course that expands on these principles and processes over the course of five modules. Each module is designed to be completed in one week, in 2 to 4 hours.


  1. Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files can be optimized for accessibility with the proper structure.
  2. Most of the principles for optimizing accessibility taught in this workshop can be applied to HTML documents.
  3. Participants can expand the knowledge they gain and reenforce the skills they learn through the online course.

Disability Areas

Cognitive/Learning, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Vision

Topic Areas

Other, Uncategorized

Speaker Bio(s)

George Joeckel

George is the Online Training Program Manager at WebAIM. He has a master’s degree in instructional psychology and technology, and over 20 years of teaching experience. Since 2008, he has developed online courses at Utah State University, and he joined the WebAIM team at the end of 2015. The Accessible Documents video-based course went online in July 2018. To date, more than 10,000 independent-study learners have participated in the training.