- Rajiv Narayana, CEO, ansrsource
Session Details
- Length of Session: Quick Talks
- Format: Lecture
- Expertise Level: Intermediate
- Type of session: Pre-conference
Alternate formats and document remediation still burden accessibility professionals by requiring more time, money, and resources than they have. Technological advancement and adoption have boomed recently which have made affordable and scalable solutions within reach. Come explore our 2-year journey experimenting with pragmatic AI approaches.
In this session we will explore the tenets of digital transformation, how they lend themselves to advancements in learning solutions, and provide examples of successful automation of accessibility processes that are allowing institutions to affordably scale their efforts.
With an uncertain future driving many institutions to increase their digital learning blend, more content is moving online faster than ever before. It was urgent to solve the affordability and scale issue in accessibility before a global pandemic drove us apart; but now the need is critical as we risk irreparably exacerbating existing inequities.
After two years of research, a trash bin full of crumpled ideas, and several beta tests with schools and publishers our team of engineers and product developers at Continual Engine have learned a lot about some of the bottlenecks in achieving affordable and high quality accessibility at scale. We’re now applying those learnings to PDF remediation and image accessibility.
- Explore the recent history and forecasts around digital transformation and the global pandemic's impact.
- Learn the tenets of Learning Process Automation and Digital Transformation and apply them to the Next Normal.
- Apply principles that had been reserved for technological disruption to discrete accessibility bottlenecks.
Disability Areas
Psychological, Vision
Topic Areas
Accessible Course Design, Accessible Educational Materials, Alternate Format, Assistive Technology, Faculty Development & Support, Procurement, Research, Uncategorized
Speaker Bio(s)
Rajiv Narayana
Rajiv has 16 years of experience leading a team of learning content designers and developers as a co-founder of ansrsource. He has also worked with the artificial intelligence learning organization Continual Engine as its Chief Learning Officer. He brought his journalism experience in large scale editorial environments to learning at a time when there were not many firms specializing in digital learning design and development. The combination of speed, scale, and sophistication set ansrsource apart, and is why Rajiv has been able to forge strong relationships with the largest and most progressive learning organizations in the world. Rajiv has used this knowledge and trust earned over years of producing high quality learning experiences to bring new approaches to accessibility to leading Universities and Publishers.