Generating and Using Accessible Mathematics on the Web

Handouts Media

Presented at 2:15pm in Standley I Lab on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.



  • Volker Sorge, Dr, Progressive Accessibility Sol.
  • Peter Krautzberger, Dr, Krautzoruce UG
  • Samuel Dooley, , Pearson

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 2-hr
  • Format:
  • Expertise Level: Not provided
  • Type of session: General Conference


We instruct on creating math content that can be rendered accessibly using the assistive technology extensions to the MathJax library, including support for synchronized speech and highlighting for math. We present the Pearson accessible equation editor for entering and generating Nemeth Braille, including synchronized braille output for math.


As more teaching material is made available online, provision of accessible mathematics on the web is an important requirement in higher education. We present a number of technologies that are available to help with this task and teach participants how to use them. In particular, we will concentrate on

* How mathematical content can be prepared to be universally rendered with the MathJax library on the web.

* How MathJax's assistive technology extension can be employed to support students with visual impairments and dyslexia in accessing mathematical formulas.

* How Pearson's accessible equation editor can be used by blind and visually impaired students to edit mathematical equations as well as by educators to generate Nemeth Braille.

Each of these technologies are web based, and are designed to work independent of platform, web browser, or assistive technology solutions used by students.


  1. Generating universally accessible Math for the Web
  2. Editing Braille math with Pearson's equation editor
  3. Employing the MathJax assistive technology extension

Disability Areas

Cognitive/Learning, Vision

Topic Areas

Alternate Format, Assistive Technology, Web/Media/App Access

Speaker Bio(s)

Volker Sorge

Volker is Professor in Document Analysis and Accessibility at the University of Birmingham, UK and Adjunct Faculty at IIT Delhi, India. He is working primarily on diagram recognition, mathematical document analysis and handwriting recognition. Practical applications of his research include STEM accessibility with a particular focus on Web technologies and eBooks. He has been working as a Visiting Scientist with Google on math integration into ChromeVox. He is a member of the MathJax consortium responsible for the integration of accessible rendering of mathematical formulas on the web. And with his company Progressive Accessibility Solutions, he concentrates on accessibility technology that exploits image analysis to generate accessible STEM diagrams.

Peter Krautzberger

Peter is an independent consultant, working primarily with clients in scientific publishing on web-centric content and development workflows. In particular, he manages the MathJax Consortium, a joint venture of the American Mathemtical Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, known for its mathematical rendering solutions for the web. He is an invited expert at the W3C Digital Publishing Interest Group and co-chairs the Math-on-webpages Community Group. He has previously worked as a research mathematicians and holds a PhD in mathematics from Freie Universitaet Berlin.

Samuel Dooley

Sam is a senior software developer at Pearson, and has more than twenty-five years experience working in the fields of computer algebra, mathematical user interfaces, web standards, and web software development. He is the author of the accessible equation editor used in the TestNav assessment platform and a contributing developer for the constructed response machine scoring service for math assessment items. Sam has been involved in XML standards for almost twenty years, having participated in the W3C Math and HTML working groups, and the IEEE LOM XML working group, where he authored the initial version of the LOM XML schema.

