Which Piece of the Puzzle are You Missing? Unwebbing the Possibilities


Presented at 2:15pm in Waverly on Wednesday, November 14, 2018.



  • Kara Zirkle, Training and Compliance Manager, Essential Accessibility

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format: Lecture
  • Expertise Level: All Levels
  • Type of session: General Conference


This presentation will discuss workflow ideas to help businesses and organizations, including higher ed. institutions incorporate accessibility into various different areas such as Policy/Procedure, Testing, Procurement and Equal Access/Assistive Technology. We'll also discuss how each area compliments one another and ultimately fit into the larger picture of enterprise accessibility planning.


Many organizations are trying to incorporate accessibility into their infrastructure. During this time, the questions often asked are: Where do I focus my efforts?, How do I prioritize work?, How can make an accessible environment?, How can I accomplish everything? These are all great questions but its looking at the infrastructure and the overall goal the organization is wanting to meet that helps you find your missing piece of the puzzle. This presentation will break down these questions and provide best practices ideas and solutions.


  1. Discuss ideas to help organizations determine best prioritization methods for accessibility focus points.
  2. Learn about case studies EA has used with organizations on creating accessibility maturity models.
  3. Learn how organizations can identify weaknesses or points of need

Disability Areas

All Areas

Topic Areas

Administrative/Campus Policy, Assistive Technology, Legal, Other, Uncategorized, Web/Media/App Access

Speaker Bio(s)

Kara Zirkle

Ms. Zirkle has over 18 years’ experience working with individuals with disabilities and education/outreach. She is an advocate and educator with regard to providing technical support, awareness, and guidance on assistive technologies as well as the laws around overall accessibility and those that protect individuals with disabilities. Kara has worked in Government, Higher Education and Non-Profit. She has worked to ensure that Section 508 and WCAG compliance of electronic and information technology (E&IT) is accessible to everyone, regardless of disability.


AHG 2018 ppt - Which piece of the puzzle are you