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(We encourage presenters to bring their own laptop)
†(A screen, lcd projector and wireless Internet are provided in each room).
Please include a 2 to 5 page paper of your presentation in electronic format with your proposal. As an alternate to the paper, presenters can submit a PowerPoint outline (electronic version) of their presentation and/or other handouts, prior to the conference. If a paper is not submitted with this proposal, the speaker is committing to either the submission of a paper at a later date or electronic handouts to be sent by October 1, 2016.
Please return this proposal form by April 22 for the first round of submissions. Speakers will be notified by May 30 confirming acceptance or decline of their proposal(s).
If there are remaining presentation slots, a second round of proposals will be announced. Speakers will be notified by June 1 if there is a second round RFP.
Please note that due to a limited amount of time slots, some proposals may not be accepted. Proposals submitted during round one are given preferred consideration for speaker slots.
*(Papers not sent with proposal must be submitted by Oct. 1)
*(Consent for taping and streaming are not required for proposal acceptance)
Important: if you do not receive a confirmation message with a proposal id number, your proposal has not been submitted. Look for error messages above if you do not receive confirmation!