Documents in the Classroom: A Strategy to Support Accessible Course Material


Presented at 9:15am in WB I on Thursday, November 16, .



  • Jeff Buhse, Assistive Technologist, University of Manitoba

Session Details

  • Length of Session: 1-hr
  • Format: Lecture
  • Expertise Level: Intermediate
  • Type of session: General Conference


Accessibility in documents is the goal, but how do we get there? It isn’t easy to reach and teach all people within a large post-secondary institution. This session is about how to reach out to faculty and provide them with a concrete, easy to use tool to ensure their classroom documents are accessible.


In 2013, the Manitoba Government enacted the Accessibility for Manitoban's Act. The University of Manitoba has taken this legislation to heart and is a leader in the province for its accessibility plan. As accessibility legislation continues to improve and change, so do peoples willingness to make the work they do be more accessible. By creating a document accessibility grading rubric and working with the academics on campus, Jeff Buhse, Assistive Technologist, has found some very useful tools, tips, and tricks in supporting efforts to create accessible documents. This presentation will be beneficial for alternate format producers who are ready to enact change on their campuses.


  1. Creating accessible documents
  2. Working with Instructors
  3. Innovative tools in the academic setting

Disability Areas

Cognitive/Learning, Vision

Topic Areas

Accessible Course Design, Alternate Format, Assistive Technology, Teaching about Accessibility in Curriculum, Uncategorized

Speaker Bio(s)

Jeff Buhse

Jeff Buhse has been the Assistive Technologist at the University of Manitoba for over 7 years. He has recently opened the Assistive Technology Lab and has consulted a number of university committees for implementing the Accessibility for Manitoban's Act (focusing specifically in digital and document accessibility).
